The thing I love about interning at WISH TV is that no day is every the same. This particular day got me thinking about how newsgathering might change and evolve as I enter the field in the next several years.
Today a homeowner received the kindness of strangers when two paramedics stopped by her Anderson, Ind. home to say that oh, by the way, her house was on fire. The home is beautiful, I might add. It is Victorian-style, built in the 1870s and has customs trimming and painting. Luckily, the firefighters showed up pretty quickly. The story aired at the 10 pm (MyIndy, Channel 23) and 11 pm (WISH TV 8) newscasts.
That's the side story. The main story is how the iPhone is revolutionizing a journalist's newsgathering abilities. Let me explain.
It's been on stories like these - and others - that Web 2.o tools and ever-evolving PDAs can change our world. We can find directions, make phone calls and do research from the comfort of a handheld device.
With the mapping, address book and calling applications, reporters and photographers could more efficiently contact interviewees, find good places for B-roll and - with the new video-iPhone - shoot an entire news package with it ("good enough for the evening news). At least that's what the CBS affiliate in Miami did.
CBS4 branched out, using newer technology to report the news. Only time will tell how these tools will be used in the future of broadcast news.