Just minutes ago I turned on my very own WISH TV to learn that Walter Cronkite passed away today. Although I grew up watching Dan Rather (I was an 80's baby), I would not be a journalism student if I did not acknowledge Cronkite's accomplishments in the field.
He bridged the gap between radio and TV. Some thought TV was just a passing trend. Advances in technology made way for a new storytelling format. Wait - where have I heard that before? That's right - the Internet! He is an example to today's journalists who facing the "scary" transition and adaptation of the Internet.
Journalism does not equal the medium. Journalism is not the same as the Internet. Rather, the Internet presents journalism, and writers must work within the limits of that, until the next thing comes along. Some say journalism is dying; I say it's adapting. If Walter Cronkite can do it, then so can we.
And that's the way it is.
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