Sunday, October 24, 2010
Blue Like Jazz: A Movie Worth Saving
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Taboo Watercooler Talk

Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Sunday Question
With a soundtrack or without.
In a moment's realization or a daylong musing.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"It's SO Christ-Chic"

Tonight's Glee episode went beyond spirit fingers, and reached a whole new level of divinity. It took on a religion/spirituality theme. Among some of the song choices:
- A moving rendition of "I Want To Hold Your Hand"
- The surprising inclusion of "Papa, Can You Hear Me?" from the lesser-known Streisand movie "Yentl"
- Obvious choices: REM's "Losing My Religion" and "What If God Was One Of Us?"
What I enjoyed most was watching all the #glee tweets. Tones across the spectrum of spirituality emerged. Some fans were outraged at the religious theme, while others thought it a refreshing turn from the brash Britney Spears-inspired episode. Still others remarked at the timing of the gay rights v. church debate, especially in light of last week's Tyler Clementi tragedy.
Here are a few tweets I pulled in from
Just watched "Glee." What a mature set of statements about religion. - @BrianStelter
Tonight's #Glee has confused me... What religion am I, what do I believe, do I like grilled cheeses? - @stevenfrombb10
Tina: "Last week we were too sexy, this week we're too religious. We can't win." Brittany: "Now I know how Miley feels." #Glee - @xmileyamazingx
Truly amazing episode of #Glee tonight. Very well written ep on a very touchy subject. Never expected that kind of show from#Glee. Thanks. - @longflyball
I do not have words for how atrocious the messaging was on#Glee tonight. #overit - @sionnan
Glee really isn't strictly a comedy and it certainly isn't a drama either... I believe #Glee is a new genre, It's unique and a special show. - @LeaGleeFans
So Kurt is a gaytheist too! Very cool.#glee #atheism #atheist” :: Yayyy us! :] - @seculagaytheist
When #Glee preformed "What If God Was One Of Us" I broke down and cried. And on that note, I'm going to bed noww. Goodnitee and God bless. - @taylorhalise
Glee is exploring the #god complex. is it due to #fox or something else? - @irobyn
I wish there were a separation between church and my TV. #glee #worstepisodeever - @icelandicody
"I don't believe in God, Dad, but I believe in you. " :/#Glee #makemecry - @nicoleelkington