It hit me as I was sitting in the TV studio last night with some of the other new interns. As I watched the 6 pm newscast, I realized some of my happiest memories growing up were watching the
evening news (with CBS's Dan Rather, no less) and the local news (
CBS 2 Chicago).
Every night, like clockwork, amid Mom's microwave creations and Dad's peanut gallery comments of politicians, we'd watch the news. Sure, I wasn't always paying attention, but I associated the news with family time, dinner time and a safe, cozy home even if the news wasn't cozy. I guess it made me thankful for the things I do have in life.
Something about the nuance of a newscast - the reporter's smooth, authoritative tone and the easy chatter in the newsroom made the anchors seems like family friends. I associate the news with hamburger helper, and doing dishes, with interspersed conversations about the "mean girls" at school or my latest homework assignment.
Something about watching the evening news at dinnertime just gives me a sense of comfort.
I'm not even two weeks into this internship and already I can see that a lot of work goes into the news to make it the seamless broadcast viewers see from their living rooms. And it's not always pretty, either.
Tonight, after a press conference for the latest
Hoosier Lottery winner, the photog and I got a call about a fatal car crash. We traveled to the northeast side of Indy, and thankfully didn't see anything too gruesome. We then headed to the Irvington neighborhood to report on the proposed removal of a historic ice rink at
Ellenberger Park. The citizens were clearly passionate about the topic and had plenty to say.
I will say one thing: I'm going to need a couple more pairs of shoes to get around at this pace. My high heels will be worn to a stubble before this summer is over.